dnsdblookup.com > netgear.ie Whois information

netgear.ie whois domain information search

% Rights restricted by copyright; http://iedr.ie/index.php/mnudomregs/mnudnssearch/96

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Domain: netgear.ie

Domain Holder: Netgear International, Inc

Admin-c: AZA312-IEDR

Tech-c: AGE218-IEDR

Account Name: Instra Corporation Pty Ltd

Registrar Abuse Contact: Service not supported currently

Registration Date: 28-August-2002

Renewal Date: 28-August-2020

Holder-type: Billable

Locked status: NO

Renewal status: Active

In-zone: 1

Nserver: ns-1221.awsdns-24.org

Nserver: ns-1647.awsdns-13.co.uk

Nserver: ns-389.awsdns-48.com

Nserver: ns-624.awsdns-14.net

% Important Notice

% If you believe that information published on this page is incorrect, or should not be published, please contact your Registrar, or the IEDR Registration Services Department who will advise you further.

% You can also contact your Registrar or the IEDR if your domain holder name isn’t showing and you would like it to be published.

% Our contact information is available at https://www.iedr.ie/contact-us/

Above information update time:2019-10-04 09:00:17 Update now