dnsdblookup.com > kul.ee Whois information

kul.ee whois domain information search

The information obtained through .ee WHOIS is subject to database

protection according to the Estonian Copyright Act and international

conventions. All rights are reserved to Estonian Internet Foundation.

Search results may not be used for commercial, advertising, recompilation,

repackaging, redistribution, reuse, obscuring or other similar activities.

Downloading of information about domain names for the creation of your own

database is not permitted. If any of the information from .ee WHOIS is

transferred to a third party, it must be done in its entirety. This server

must not be used as a backend for a search engine. Read more about the

Rules of .ee WHOIS service:


Estonia .ee Top Level Domain WHOIS server


name: kul.ee

status: ok (paid and in zone)

registered: 2010-07-04 04:13:09 +03:00

changed: 2018-12-19 16:02:13 +02:00

expire: 2021-12-09




name: Kultuuriministeerium

org id: 70000941

country: EE

email: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS

changed: 2018-12-19 16:02:13 +02:00

Administrative contact:

name: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS

email: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS

changed: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS

Technical contact:

name: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS

email: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS

changed: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS


name: Hariduse Infotehnoloogia Sihtasutus TP 007303

url: http://www.eenet.ee

phone: +372 730 2110

changed: 2018-01-05 13:39:08 +02:00

Name servers:

nserver: ans2.aso.ee

nserver: ns2.rmit.ee

nserver: ns1.rmit.ee

changed: 2018-05-16 09:31:24 +03:00


dnskey: 257 3 8 AwEAAckPB2ERDuExR43TZEU7jtaMMFTULAZSdbw0KPwQ+uNsLL0NPqal +VOvNnPqNpbqnWMTQkfmorfFO+wiqlCpzyCbxRMtqgAXIm4kvpkd8tRR X+ydPT79SSpCgj7eZb8XaDY9zKoPt+45B6l9xluOZffgtIN/goHTHT5R vW7GUjvxGY7Y1j/vhb7hOHNaTdBLtnptzJa/1nWXHWEci+0lgA8eftv6 9cp0nF+94ioPKkPWslpAmUgpFAj6WpF6TLWCVgqVrm4RI0Ixz/GoEU1B YRAv7bUp8uOvMsYh9S+hIL5sF8/NuMIDtrJg7XGFhXrlGECCnWU4bJVp c6/wrETzJtCV5rwiCG2euqAhLbotK2moIUjNrUT4W0vU1SwIquTF3wGZ Qqo93kJYw7NpqAG64YMKeKnorJt6LJkvNpxszvQ5REHkmWKQLfzwEBrk hYKtJgpcbXxcPb5shSiRMgfE1xdV502BRneOIZJBHN8mv1Z6gT17p+fV NKsbtib8jZcxwZhSYwSWsBWBJasF7DiT/6+aGU50RkpDIwkwgXE+kf0h gPajole//cJvWa6JZTUPDSQaQslhphoX3nmTMDp8vMbNQbmX5BoteKUH eIKkMyqj6MgPndfNNEWzkxGe55J59BCjtsJhheE+ft1f/IqW9kumnqdc pR6xOVzYsBWow7vj

dnskey: 256 3 8 AwEAAa/9kwENDU0nUMVQ34ItbjrDmNY3oWJ1Px0hwScdtw+YEakGxcqv VMPE3Y8qb+Uh8T+jG22W1e1p43PLPz76M8xMbLH8KQWeIspU5zNGYfhf QjEl1xa+NLXkVDYQXrNb6yYYq3UCeBOYzIP774GlNWXmQwsWh62TI9h5 q3omRpep

changed: 2018-05-30 14:40:49 +03:00

Estonia .ee Top Level Domain WHOIS server

More information at http://internet.ee

Above information update timeļ¼š2019-09-03 18:00:02 Update now