dnsdblookup.com > bronnoy.no Whois information

bronnoy.no whois domain information search

% By looking up information in the domain registration directory

% service, you confirm that you accept the terms and conditions of the

% service:

% https://www.norid.no/en/domeneoppslag/vilkar/


% Norid AS holds the copyright to the lookup service, content,

% layout and the underlying collections of information used in the

% service (cf. the Act on Intellectual Property of May 2, 1961, No.

% 2). Any commercial use of information from the service, including

% targeted marketing, is prohibited. Using information from the domain

% registration directory service in violation of the terms and

% conditions may result in legal prosecution.


% The whois service at port 43 is intended to contribute to resolving

% technical problems where individual domains threaten the

% functionality, security and stability of other domains or the

% internet as an infrastructure. It does not give any information

% about who the holder of a domain is. To find information about a

% domain holder, please visit our website:

% https://www.norid.no/en/domeneoppslag/

Domain Information

NORID Handle...............: BRO801D-NORID

Domain Name................: bronnoy.no

Registrar Handle...........: REG1-NORID

Tech-c Handle..............: NH55R-NORID

Tech-c Handle..............: NS7R-NORID

Name Server Handle.........: X11H-NORID

Name Server Handle.........: Y1H-NORID

Name Server Handle.........: Z6H-NORID

DNSSEC.....................: Signed

DS Key Tag 1...........: 55747

Algorithm 1...........: 8

Digest Type 1...........: 2

Digest 1...........: 5600fdcf0096655ba64f89d0a79512cdd63f44708699ed8b5e8afc8cb44f5ddc

Key Flags 1...........: 257

Key Protocol 1...........: 3

Key Algorithm 1...........: 8

Key Public 1...........: AwEAAcZmc5H7dc/cvGmxWPopHSQh61pwjMqqtKJcELF+EAXq3zVttr9D/XRj6Amt4726Ou+ZW74XXFtAWL98n2wgn0WuGSOM+r0skfzGa6U5IFtQcI1o3n0+uaP8du/UbcbqswHq1ML1VXLFMcmP0TWDc9pEgB6fsC1S6olCPNYWtB2GZzDdM/zfvuxwvBALySP+vlhmVSET9+DZbfV9EzVeGAvpffRiz/6lyg8N2cYE5dGVZic05cPoAwldrhJF9r30ShjX8uX9hHNPtCiOfP5I99WudHyT4JYPRc+IvX6h3eb1YISxUOdjjdjS8GLBp0+ZOQahVeWnx/gcVguM8FXQSCk=

Additional information:

Created: 2002-08-11

Last updated: 2020-08-11

Above information update timeļ¼š2021-06-08 09:00:32 Update now